Solar Panel Installation For Forming

Captive Solar Solutions

Captive solar system is the version of on-grid system. This system generates electricity for only one specific location, be it a factory, a neighborhood, or even a workplace. This way energy cost can be reduced and power utilization becomes more effective..


Hybrid Solar Solution

A hybrid solar system is a combination of an on-grid and an off-grid system. It is grid-tied but also has an energy backup. Therefore, excess solar energy can be harvested, and when power is cut off, solar energy is stored. Solar power stored in batteries for later use.


Off-Grid Solar Solutions

Off-grid systems are the ones which do not need a grid for their functioning. Availability of solar energy alone is sufficient to deliver power to the load. It is only dependent on solar cells, batteries and a converter for making and storing electricity. This system works well for the places


On-Grid/Grid-tie  Solar Solutions

An on-grid, also known as a grid-tie,  is the solar system connected/slaved with the power grid and, thus, can work only when the grid is available, even when solar is available. This may look odd, but on-grid systems are the most popular due to their simplicity in installation, economics, greater